Exhibition Talks & Tours 2019

Visit the world-class museums and galleries of New Haven with free talks and exhibition tours, hosted by expert curators and guides. More Exhibition Talks & Tours will be posted below over the next several weeks. Please check back!

Bibliophilia x Taphophilia

presented with the Beinecke Library

Two great archives are neighbors in New Haven: Grove Street Cemetery, the nation’s first chartered burial ground, and Beinecke Library, North America’s largest building dedicated exclusively to rare books and and manuscripts. Both exist to make the past accessible in the present for the future, and both offer many encyclopedias of stories to explore and inspire.

Sea and Soil and Water Access

presented with the Ely Center of Contemporary Art

Join us for a tour of the Ely Center of Contemporary Art at the John Slade Ely Galleries at 51 Trumbull Street in New Haven. Tour the English Elizabethan style house built in 1905 by S.G. Taylor. It was home to John Slade Ely (1860–1906) and Grace T. Ely, who came to New Haven in 1897. From 1897 up until his tragic death in 1906, he held the Theory and Practice of Medicine chair at Yale School of...

Film Screening: Impossible Light

presented with Site Projects|New Haven

Filmmaker Jeremy Ambers is the creator of Impossible Light, a feature-length film about the installation of Leo Villareal’s stunning digital light sculpture The Bay Lights, which was installed in 2013 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the construction of the Bay Bridge connecting San Francisco and Oakland.

Capturing Life & Beauty: Women Artists of the New Haven Paint & Clay Club

presented with the New Haven Museum

This exhibition celebrates the range and depth of the work produced by women artists of the New Haven Paint & Clay Club, one of the oldest exhibiting art associations in Connecticut and the Northeast. Guest curator Tanya Pohrt discusses the club's founding and gender inclusivity, connecting to broader issues in history and women's rights.

Spoken Word and Jazz

presented with the New Haven Museum

Jazz Haven presents an experience in the rhythmic world of “spoken word artists,” floating over the sounds of a live jazz trio, reflecting the culture of Jazz in America. Jesse Hameen II - drums, Jeff Fuller - bass, and Darren Litzie - keyboards, will be performing at the New Haven Museum on Friday, June 14 at 5:30 pm along with Spoken Word artists.

New Haven Industrial Heritage Trails: Interactive Exhibit

presented with Yale School of Architecture

Come visit the intereactive exhibit created by the students of Yale School of Architecture regarding New Haven Industrial Heritage Trails “Ghost Town.” Here you will have the opportunity to respond to their proposals.

Creative Arts Workshop Book Arts Exhibition Tour/Talk

presented with the Creative Arts Workshop

Creative Arts Workshop's Exhibition Tour/Talk offers an in-depth look at Freed Formats: The Book Reconsidered, a traveling book arts exhibition featuring 135 works by 53 artists from 17 states and 2 countries. The tour/talk will be hosted by exhibition curators Chris Perry and Alice Walsh who will be joined by exhibiting artists Sheila Hale, Miriam Schaer, and Beatrice Coron. Together, this group...