Hear Geoff Sobelle expound on the inspirations leading to HOME in this recent podcast by Berkeley Rep. Sobelle discusses the imaginative and literal construction of the project and the magic that makes it all possible. Spoiler alert: he also breaks down the show’s approach to audience participation.

“... we had to pry up all this linoleum tile, and under the linoleum tile—which is not easy to get up—was more linoleum tile. And under that linoleum tile was yet more linoleum tile, and more and more and more, until we went down like, literally six inches deep of linoleum tile and realized that nobody had ever undone the work people before them had done; they just tiled over it and kept shortening the doors. … That’s such a fascinating thing, like, it would be amazing to see all of the residents, you know, walking around on their original floors, one-sixteenth of an inch away from one another, fighting over the fridge or something. I wanna see, I wanna know who those people are … To me, I laid down the new floor of my house. But they did the same, you know; it was their house. It was their home. And they couldn’t imagine me, like I could barely imagine them.”

HOME runs at the University Theatre at Yale from June 19-22. Learn more about the show and buy tickets here >