Travel across North America with Sirius Coyote, whose traditional, contemporary world music is renowned for its upbeat rhythm featuring guitar, sax, clarinet, flutes, kalimbas, drums, keyboards, ocarinas and a variety of other eclectic instruments made from materials found in nature. The band uses their music for social activism, addressing issues like environmentalism, cultural inclusion, and liberation.
Sirius Coyote Music and Sounds of the Americas Music

Sirius Coyote Trio
SIRIUS COYOTE performs on guitar, sax, clarinet, flutes, kalimbas, drums, keyboards, ocarinas and a variety of other unusual instruments made from natural materials found in nature. They present a family oriented concert that celebrates ecological awareness, the preservation of traditional cultures, and the creative spirit of community. Their musical offering is a call to sustainability. Their concert performance is a mix of Latin American Songs and Stories taken from their popular repertoire of original and traditional music played on over 30 musical instruments from their wide collection. Their music includes pre-Colombian and modern pieces that focus on the environment, diversity and cultural understanding. Audience participation is encouraged through sing-along, clapping, dancing and music making. Most songs are in Spanish with English introduction and translation.

Arts for Learning Connecticut
Founded over 40 years ago as an affiliate of Young Audiences, Arts for Learning Connecticut has remained a leading provider of arts in education programs in the state. Our staff of four and roster of 70+ teaching artists serve 150,000+ PK-12 students in over 60% of Connecticut’s towns annually. We work primarily in schools—and also in community centers, libraries, and other civic institutions—offering performances, workshops, residencies, and professional development. Our work spans the creative spectrum—from spoken word poetry and contemporary visual art to classical Kathak dance and improv theater. Our diverse roster of teaching artists is reflective of the students we serve.
At its core, the problem AFLCT works to solve is the fact that many students throughout Connecticut are underserved—and underperforming. In a state with the greatest income inequality in the nation and a deep-rooted and seemingly intractable gap in educational performance between those with and without socioeconomic means, educators and administrators struggle to find resources and programs that can make a difference for young people. In the face of extraordinary financial, human resource, and—of course—health challenges that have had an outsized negative impact on schools, students, and families, we believe our role is to provide effective, efficient, inspired programming that leverages diverse resources to provide critical learning opportunities for all students.