Join us for presentations and interactive demos of assistive tech from our partners at United Cerebral Palsy of Eastern CT, New England Assistive Technology NEAT An Oak Hill Center, and EastConn. Sign up for Connecticut’s Bridging the Digital Divide Program – a program designed to help people with disabilities access and learn to use technology that will allow access to social connections, tele-health, their community and more.
National Assistive Tech Day Celebration

United Cerebral Palsy of Eastern Connecticut
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Eastern Connecticut was founded in 1949 by a dedicated group of local parents committed to develop programs for their children with Cerebral Palsy. These parents brought awareness and hope for a better future for their children and people with disabilities. This was the cornerstone for the development of a nationwide network of affiliates who strive to ensure the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in every facet of society.
Their programs continue to evolve to meet the needs of people with disabilities in Connecticut. At UCP of Eastern CT they develop methods, procedures and assistive technology to maximize the full inclusion of people with all levels of disabilities into society. This includes jobs for people with disabilities, independent living, family support, and social self-sufficiency.
Today, UCP of Eastern Connecticut has grown its dedicated team to include disability support workers, counselors, supervisors, managers and disability advocates. They now serve more than 350 people with disabilities and their families in Connecticut.

New England Assistive Technology NEAT An Oak Hill Center
At The NEAT Center at Oak Hill, we offer the latest technologies, products, equipment and services that assist people with day-to-day activities that they have trouble doing themselves, either because of a learning difference, disability or the effects of aging.
Our focus is on how we can empower individuals of all ages and abilities to utilize assistive technology for an increase in independence. Assistive technology is frequently abbreviated to “AT”; which refers to devices and services that are used to increase, maintain or improve a person’s ability to function in any aspect of their life. This includes but is not limited to communication, learning, productivity, mobility, and independence.

Established in 1980, under Connecticut General Statute 10-66a, EASTCONN is one of Connecticut’s six, public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Centers. EASTCONN was formed when two small, eastern Connecticut public service agencies merged in order to more effectively provide regional, affordable education programs and services to the region’s smaller, often under-resourced, schools and communities. Initially, EASTCONN started with a small staff, but quickly grew as it demonstrated its expertise across a range of programs and services, including K-12 professional learning, special education, adult education and early childhood. Today, EASTCONN employs more about 640 staff who work in specialties like early childhood, K-12 student programs (magnet high schools, autism, clinical day treatment, psychological-behavioral consultation, related services, transition programs), adult education, employment and training, teaching and learning, organizational support services, technology solutions, and student transportation, among others. Entrepreneurial by design, EASTCONN provides high-quality, competitively priced educational and related services to the 33 towns and 36 school districts in northeastern Connecticut that comprise the EASTCONN region. The agency is governed by a Board of Directors, who are also members of locally elected Boards of Education. Agency funding comes from the fees EASTCONN charges for its programs, schools and services, supplemented by competitively awarded grants and contracts.