Enjoy a unique tasting menu from Soul de Cuba Cafe combining exquisite traditional Cuban dishes and special story telling guests for a night of good food and special stories.
Soul de Cuba Storytelling Dinner

Soul de Cuba Cafe
Soul de Cuba's story dates back to the summer of 2004, when Jesus led the development of the first Soul de Cuba Cafe in New Haven, Connecticut. Two years later, in July of 2006, he opened Soul de Cuba Cafe in Honolulu, Hawaii, and launched Soul de Cuba Specialty Foods. Soul de Cuba Specialty Foods is the first-ever nationally-distributed Cuban food product line. And later in 2010, the Soul de Cuba Cafe franchise program was launched.
The Soul de Cuba Specialty Foods' efforts are dedicated to preserve and to spread the flavors and culture of Cuban traditions.
The Soul de Cuba Cafe concept is rooted in the idea of promoting and preserving Afro-Cuban culture through sharing traditional Cuban and African food and art. The concept begins in a cozy dining-room setting that incorporates Cuban memorabilia, family photos, and Afro-Cuban religious artwork displayed over soft, earth-toned painted walls. The ambiance is enhanced by the infusion of Cuban Salsa, Boleros, and Son music as well as traditional Yoruba Rhythms and African and American Jazz.