The International Festival of Arts & Ideas is proud to broadcast our Ideas Panel entitled “Music, Warfare and the Soldier's Story” originally held on June 25, 2011 at the Yale University Art Gallery in New Haven, CT. Watch this Ideas Panel in its entirety here on our website or download it on iTunes to take with you.

Whether preparing soldiers for battle or providing consolation, music can be a patriotic war cry or a way to create empathy with the different viewpoints of war. This panel, moderated by WNYC Soundcheck’s John Schaeffer, explored the importance music has played in war with composer David T. Little, who wrote “Soldier Songs” and founded the contemporary classical ensemble Newspeak. Panelists include David T.Little, Arthur Bloom, composer, pianist and founder/director of Renovation in Music and Musicorps and Moe Armstrong, a decorated combat veteran in recovery.

This video is presented as part of Interdependence Day 2011, part of the Interdependence Day Movement which began as a response to the tragic events on 9/11 as a way to invite the world's leaders to find ways to respect each other's cultures. For more information, visit
