American troubadour Shawn Taylor draws from his expertise in mythology, theater, and pop culture to discuss fandom that radicalizes for change. Fandoms—communities that form around common interests, often entertainment series like Harry Potter, Star Trek, or the Marvel films—capture the hearts and minds of millions across the globe. How do we harness that enthusiasm for social change?
Shawn Taylor: The Power of Fandom for Radical Change

Shawn Taylor
Shawn is the creator and was the host of the top-rated podcast, “Surviving Creativity.” He’s a founding author of, and a founding organizer of The Black and Brown Comix Arts Festival. Shawn is a recognized scholar and sought-after speaker and workshop facilitator in the areas of pop culture and participatory culture studies, mythology, folk and netlore, experimental theater and media studies. He was also a Senior Fellow with the Pop Culture Collaborative focusing on the transformative social power of fandom. Currently he works as a coach and consultant for individual creatives and organizations, and is a university lecturer. Shawn coined the term “Oakanda” to link 2018’s “Black Panther” film and the revolutionary history and spirit of Oakland, CA. His latest project, “Afrofuturism: A Cartography” is a multimedia work that will be released in 2022.