The Yale Peabody Museum may be closed for renovations, but it’s bringing its natural history collection to the Green! Sharpen your pencils and get close to nature in this figure drawing session. Drop in and draw inspiration from butterflies, bird feathers, seashells, and other natural materials as staff from the Peabody guides participants in creating masterpieces worthy of Audubon.
Peabody Museum Presents: Drawing on Nature

Yale Peabody Museum
Founded in 1866, the Yale Peabody Museum is one of the world’s oldest and largest university museums of its kind. Home to over 14 million objects and specimens across 10 distinct collections, it preserves and displays more than four billion years of Earth and human history. Its galleries are currently closed for the Museum’s first major renovation in nearly a century. The Peabody will reopen free to the public in early 2024.